Here are details on howto make charcuterie for a crowd:

theCollarfind’s Crowd Pleasing Charcuterie
1. Start with meat. When serving charcuterie for a crowd, I like to add 3 different options of meat, and I suggest to buy them already sliced. Buy great options at ready to go at Trader Joe’s and Costco. The meat always seems to go first. Buy extra, as it is easy to refill as the night goes on.

2. For a crowd pleasing charcuterie, skip the idea of guests slicing their own cheese. Buy one pretty one for the center of your board and leave it whole, but serve 3-4 sliced options around the board. Think one hard cheese, one soft, and one “different” kind. theCollarfind tip: I usually slice extra and keep in the fridge for easy refill.

3. Crackers, any kind will do! Whisps and cheese straws work well. For a crowd, include 2 types. One very plain and one a little funky!

4. Spread: I use fig preserves, a bacon jam or a specialty mustard like Braswells Truffle Mustard (link below), and sometimes I use both! Typically, the guys like the mustard, and the girls like the jam. Both love the bacon jam.

5. Be extra! Add a little something extra: sliced apples or grapes, pickled okra (Wickles is a fav), mini chocolate squares, mixed nuts, a local treat like Benne Wafers here in Charleston) – use what you have on hand, and what you can find in the pantry and fridge!

Garnish: I use sliced pomegranates, rosemary, dried orange slices around the plate for garnish. It’s time to call it a night when people try to eat the garnish. (True story)
theCollarfind tip: One stop shopping for your edible items for the best price: TraderJoe’s and Costco. You can find my favorite spreads, charcuterie boards, cheese knives, etc here:

You can find more easy appetizers recipes here: Links to my favorite charcuterie boards here as well: #liketkit