Small Powder Room, Big Statement

Who knew a room so small could cause so many issues? Well, after renovating this 1960’s Charleston house, we do! Let’s start with the goal: renovate a powder room that has not been updated in 50 plus years on a budget.

So this is what we started with. Brown tile floors, pink/white combo toilet and pink sink with exposed plumbing, tile up the walls with a brown tiled trim.

Our first step was to demo, which we did ourselves. We removed the tiles from the wall, the flooring, and the existing fixtures. We also decided not to reconfigure the space, but to replace and update to help with costs. I knew that I wanted wallpaper, and my husband reluctantly got on board with the idea.

Go big or go home: Blue and White Waves Wallpaper

Next was to pick out the fun stuff! The biggest hurdle would be to find a vanity that fit the style but did not take up much room. I needed a very small vanity, which was not easy to find. This navy one worked perfectly in the room. When working with a busy patterned wallpaper, keep the mirror and simple. Below are my picks with clickable links.

1. Mitzi Powder Room Light. 2. Brass Mirror .3. Navy Vanity 4. Cell Phone Toilet Paper Holder 5. Wave Wallpaper 6. Guest towels 7. Lucite Holder

theCollarfind Tip: If you are short on space, mount the toilet paper holder to the side of the vanity. My most favorite part, aside from the wallpaper is the toilet paper holder. It has a shelf on the top for a cell phone..genius!

Here it it: the finished product. Since this pic, we have added bamboo blinds. And guess who has asked for more wallpaper in the house? I knew I would win him over! (If not available, I sourced close matches to the actual items.). For more renovation pictures,