Here’s the truth. I never liked salmon. I used to not be able to even smell salmon, so it’s pretty ironic that I’m posting a salmon recipe. And it’s one I prepare every single week in a variety of ways. A friend prepared this salmon for me, and I’m so glad she did. I’m hooked!

Sorry for burying the lead but here’s the best part: There are 2 ingredient in this easy salmon recipe that makes this so yummy! That’s it! However, there are plenty reasons to add salmon to your diet. According to webMD, “The vitamin B12 in salmon keeps blood and nerve cells humming and helps you make DNA. But for your health, the true beauty of salmon is its wealth of omega-3 fatty acids. Most omega-3s are “essential” fatty acids. Your body can’t make them, but they play critical roles in your body. They can lower the chance that you’ll have cardiovascular risk, cancer, dementia and Alzheimer’s.”

Just starting to coat the salmon

This seasoning is the game changer.

Two Ingredient Salmon Supper

Squeeze fresh lemon over salmon.

Coat with McCormick Brown Sugar Bourbon seasoning, don’t be shy. Click here to purchase if you can’t find in your local grocery

Place lemon slices on salmon

Bake at 375 for 20 minutes or until cooked to your liking

You can serve over cauliflower rice, as the protein for a salad and more. We typically eat it with sides one night and over salad the next day for lunch.

Speaking of sides, here is a great easy one that works well with the salmon.

Roasted Zucchini

Slice zucchini and red onions. Add olive oil drizzle (not much),salt, pepper and garlic powder. Crumble Trader Joe’s Unexpected Cheddar or blue cheese on top. Roast at 375 until almost crispy. It’s so good!

Who am I? Just a southern momma that loves a good find, a great recipe, home decor and of course a bargain!

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For more easy recipes, cause that’s my thing: