Ever passed an Aldi grocery store and wondered what to buy? Many moms swear that they save hundreds of dollars by shopping at Aldi, which peaked my interest. I’m sharing a well researched Aldi Shopping List that will help make grocery shopping easier

First up, my research. I spoke with the manager and friends and received some valuable tips! Like the end caps are often items that are seasonal, grab them while you can. You need to bring your own bags and you pay a quarter for the shopping cart, so don’t forget your loose change!

Aldi Shopping List

Produce- best priced in town, I did the research. Some say to use it within a few days.

Sweets- Who knew they have Girl Scout cookie knock offs? Rumor has it they used to carry thin mints. I found the Benton’s brand peanut butter pattys and samoa ones in the Charleston store. Another suggestion is their fresh cheesecake platter, it comes highly recommended.

Dinner- I bought the cedar plank salmon and it was great. (Check out my go to salmon recipe here) The mediterranean salmon and tuna steaks also have big fans. For a quick bite, I hear kids love the fresh calzones.

Snacks- Dark chocolate almonds and dark chocolate espresso beans (when you can find them) are well loved. Freeze dried strawberries are half the price. Aldi has a great selection of imported cheeses for a charcuterie tray as well.

Other– Their viniagrette salad dressings, garlic and herb are recommended. Grab their hot honey and serve over grilled chicken or goat cheese. Also keep an eye out for holiday specials, like Christmas Kringle and Advent Beer calendars. (That sounds fun!)

So here is my Aldi Shopping List. What are your favorite items? Leave them in the comments below. Add your email and you’ll receive all kinds of monthly finds!

Who am I? Just a southern momma that loves a good find, a great recipe, home decor and of course a bargain!

For more fun finds: https://www.instagram.com/thecollarfind/.