If your kids come home from school hungry, this easy back to school snack tip is for you!

Make a snack board at the beginning of the week and then refill as needed! This will save time and provide healthy snacks for the kids all week long.

Things I include on my snack board:

Fresh veggies (Pero Family Farms has convenient, washed and trimmed veggies- this saves a ton of time!) Change up the veggies every few days! Our favorites include: snap peas, broccoli, french green beans and the sweet mini peppers.

Bonus tip: Serve some veggies like peppers two different ways. Some may like to eat them whole while others may prefer the pepper rings.

Dip- My kids always eat more veggies when a dip is involved. Who are we kidding, I do too!

Cheese and crackers- Pre sliced cheese trays are great and save time

Fresh fruit- I chop up an apple each afternoon, the only chopping needed for the entire board! Grapes are another favorite.

Wrap the board, keep in the fridge, and pull it out every afternoon for the hungry kiddos. This is a great way to offer healthy foods that are also convenient. Don’t be surprised when your child’s friends come over for back to school snacks!