Start spreading the news….Teenage Girl Itinerary NYC Guide is finally live! New York with teens is always a great idea, but you need to plan ahead!

What better place to turn 13 than in NYC? I took both of my girls to celebrate their entry into teenageland. Below is a list of the highlights from both trips.

So much to do, so little time- Below is a list of some of the highlights from both trips that any teenage girl would enjoy.

Times Square. You must walk through it and take pics of all of the crazy things. The girls will want to stop in the giant Sephora and M and Ms store. Times Square is great to walk through before and after a broadway play or after eating at Ellen’s (see below), which is just a few blocks away.

Ice Skating. When in New York with teens….Even the cool teen girls had a blast. A great way to spend the morning, we chose to skate at Rockefeller Center this last time. The Bryant Park skating rink is another option that is free. Choose the one that works best for your plan.

Celebrating 13 in NYC with Ice Skating

Shop SOHO. Teenage girls will want to hit every Brandy Melville, and they have 3 within a 2 mile radius. Same with Zara. This is New York with teens!

theCollarfind tip: Stop into the Gucci store in SOHO. Maybe you aren’t planning to buy out the store, but the staff doesn’t care. They were wonderful and made smoothies for the girls and cocktails for the mommas. There’s a movie theater in the back to sit and take a break. The themes and decor were amazing. They completely transform the store every few years.

Broadway Play A must! If you are dying to see one, order tickets ahead of time. If not, save some cash with TKTS booths. theCollarfind tip: Southstreet Seaport booth has the shortest line and the cutest eatsbyChloe cafe nearby.

Top of the Rock. A great place for the obligatory view of the city.

Tea at The Plaza. So fancy, so fun.

Dylan’s Candy Bar. This place is a teenage girls dream. We spent at least an hour in here. Name any kind of candy, and they have it.

Today Show: Well, sadly they were not into us. Apparently our sign of the 3 girls from when they were little had “nothing to do with the Today show.” And let me say, there are some aggressive adults that want to be on TV. theCollarfind tip: go early, make your sign all about Today and get prepared for some pushy women.

Sign #2 after they were not impressed with the first one


So many options that where to eat becomes overwhelming. Here are a few of our favorites that your teenager will love too!

Ellen’s Stardust Diner. Aspiring broadway stars work here while they audition for the perfect role. They breakout in tune while you are eating. So entertaining and fun! theCollarfind tip: Skip breakfast, they seem to be a little less energetic and the experience was not as enjoyable.

Buddakan. The side door. The dark lobby. The stairs. Very fancy and grown up and the perfect way to celebrate a teen.

Black Tap. There are several locations all over the city. The burgers are good, but the teens go for the milkshakes to be featured in insta and snapchat pics. Reservations accepted.

Little Italy. Restaurants are lined up one after the other. This is a great break from shopping if you have been on Canal Street or in Soho! And who doesn’t love pasta?

Balthazar. Some of us are celebrity obsessed and this is the place to spot them. The fries,the vibe, the champagne for moms, such a good spot for a fancy brunch with the girls.

Street Vendor Bagel- Don’t waste valuable time in a fancy breakfast spot when the bagels from the street vendors are the best in town!

Taking the subway in NYC

So there you have it, more than enough to do for a long weekend in NYC. Tell me in the comments, what’s on your list? Also, a 16th birthday NYC trip (hard to believe) coming up in the next few months! Check out more on my insta! More travel fun and hacks here: