Graduation gifts ideas can be hard to come by. So I went into reporter mode and talked to some college kids about gifts they loved and gifts that were of course appreciated but didn’t get used as much. And I’ve created links for all of them so you can do your graduation gift shopping along the way!

Girls Graduation Gift Ideas

Monogrammed towel wrap- Most loved from the crowd. They use it every day

Overnight Bag- These are great to carry things for the weekend. Packing cubes are also a great gift they will use for years to come.

Jewelry- Many said they got too much jewelry. If you are gifting that, keep it simple and timeless, like a set of pearl studs or earrings. Here are a few of my favorites from Currie Jewelry.

Safety- As for as practical graduation gift ideas, this birdie alarm keychain is a gift that can give the grad’s parents a piece of mind. It comes in various colors and adds an element of safety for undergrads walking around campus. Use code COLLARFIND10 for a discount.

Click on pictures below to shop the top girl gift suggestions.


Now for the guys. They can be harder to buy for according to most of my followers. My advice- think timeless.

Leather gifts are always a great idea, like dop kits and wallets. Air pod holders are useful too!

Needlepoint items with their new school logo is also always appreciated.

Kanga coolers are hot among the guys of age. Slide in a 12 pack and go.

Another idea: A feather bow tie with their new school colors. The guys will need these for formals, and they are great southern gift. You can purchase here.

Shop top guy gifts by clicking on pictures below.


Sentimental gifts for both the girl and guy grads are always a favorite.

Art-These Susan Woodard Watercolors of your child’s new school are a special gift they will keep for years to come.

Silver- Mint Julep cups is one of those gifts they will be glad they have years down the road. They can be used in so many ways. Engraving them is a nice touch.

Practical- A Gift card packet for restaurants and stores in the student’s new college town. Gas cards with a keychain- so they have no excuse but to come home and visit every now and then.

Who am I? Just a southern momma that loves a good find, a great recipe, a strong cocktail and of course a bargain! For more fun finds: