Marble vs. Granite? Quartz vs. Quartzite? That is the question when it comes to building doing a kitchen remodel and selecting countertops.

Here is what I have learned– everyone has an opinion! Here are some simple steps to follow when choosing your new stone.

theCollarfind considering marble for a kitchen remodel countertops
  • First step in selecting a kitchen remodel countertop: Research! Look at magazines, Pinterest pics, check local real estate listings pictures. Trust me, it’s overwhelming when you’re in a warehouse with so many options. Basically, it’s good to have an idea of what you want before you go to look at stones. Dark or light? Movement or pattern? Busy or plain? The options are endless.
  • Decide what stones you want to consider. For some, the stone type and its attributes ( durability, natural, etc ) are more important than the look. No need to walk through the granite section if your heart is set on quartz. If your family is not on board on maintaining a high maintenance stone (like marble), choose your selection accordingly.
  • Have an installer in mind when working on a kitchen remodel. The first question they ask when you sign in is your installer preference. Before I did a renovation, I had no idea that I needed to have this decided.
  • If choosing marble: Polished, leathered or honed? This Architectural Digest article is a great read too. I know 2 designers that I respect immensely, and they have completely different opinions on this–which makes me feel like either has it’s own place in a kitchen. As for me, I go for what I like when I am looking at stones for kitchen remodel countertops. It is more about the actual stone than the finish. My current kitchen has Stauario polished, it is beautiful. There are some marks (etching) after 2 years , but actual scratches have been kept to a minimum. Also, your installer will place a sealant on the stone which will help to protect it.

Kitchen remodel countertops :”Decisions, decisions

What we chose: A compromise!

For me, marble is worth the hassle. I love the look of it all shiny and polished and it makes the statement I’m looking for in a kitchen remodel. (Think of a bold fashion accessory). My husband isn’t quite as enamored with the high maintenance aspect as of marble. Because of this, we came up with a compromise. Our backsplash up the walls and all of the island will be marble, and our actual countertops will be a more durable white quartz. Fun fact, the quartz he chose was more expensive than the marble I chose–who knew?

theCollarfind Tip: Have your installers cut 2-3 cutting boards of your material. Use one in the bar area and one by the sink or stove. They can be your catch all for drinks, hot plates, cutting limes, etc.

Hope this helps as you begin your decision making process. Can’t wait to show you the final product from our #hobcawhouse! Morew house decor finds here: