Every month I highlight what’s in the box, my top Amazon finds and purchases. As we are currently in the middle of a quarantine, my picks are a little all over the place. Who am I kidding? They always are all over the place, and that’s why we love Amazon –it’s a one stop shop!

Gift Idea

First up is a gift my 12 year old godson. He has taken to cooking during this down time, and this is the perfect gift for him- a Whirley Pop. It’s a great gift for any age, and once you use the Whirley Pop, you won’t want to eat popcorn any other way. This is how we make popcorn, enough so that I dedicated an entire blog post to how we make it. Check it out! https://thecollarfind.com/perfect-popcorn-recipe.


Top Amazon Finds ad Purchases: Blue Light Glasses for Home Schoolers

Th next purchaseis great for kids that are finishing up the school year from home, and that’s pretty much all of us. The increased screen time can cause strain on the eyes. These blue light blocking glasses are a great way to protect kid’s eyes while virtual schooling. They are not readers, just to block the blue lights, and my kids can tell a difference when they wear them. If you’re looking for an adult version (readers with blue light blocking), then these peepers are my very favorite.

Blue Light Blocking Readers

Personal Care

Next up is for personal care, the Tinkle Razors. Once you try these, there is no return. They are great for dermaplaning at home, and I do this every 2 weeks. For all of the tips on how, check out Jordan Harper, she is the guru on all things skincare. I just do what I’m told!

Top Amazon Finds and Purchases: Tinkle Razors

In the most random category of top amazon finds is this FURremover broom. If you have a pet that sheds, this is a must. It’s amazing how quickly it can clean up dog hair. Here’s the description, “The 100% natural rubber attracts pet hair like a magnet to easily remove fur from carpets rugs hardwood and linoleum like regular brooms can never do.” Amen.

Dog Hair Be Gone!

So there you have it! As promised, my finds for April are all over the place, but they are all highly recommended! Like what you see- direct links for all items are on the pictures.

Who am I? Just a southern momma that loves a good find, a great party, a strong cocktail and of course a bargain! For more fun finds: https://www.instagram.com/thecollarfind/. Cheers!