Before you head out the door on your next adventure, take a look at a few packing tips and tricks that will make your life a little easier while you are away!

Packing Tips and Tricks

  1. Keep your Suitcase Organized. Packing cubes keep everyone organized while on vacation. You can use them to separate shoes, undergarments, bathing suit, you name it. I recommend buying a few sets, a different color for each family member. You can use the larger ones to store dirty clothes on the way home which will make unpacking easy too! I typically separate clean from dirty clothes and pack suitcases accordingly when coming home.
  2. Don’t forget the essentials. A bag dedicated to jewelry, and a bag dedicated to tech gear will help you stay organized and keep you from forgetting important items. Plus, no one likes tangled necklaces or iphone cords to deal with on vacay.
  3. Travel in Style. Duffel bags are a great way to get away for a long weekend without having a heavy suitcase to bring along. So many stylish ones available that can be personalized. If you plan to do some shopping and are flying, bring an extra empty bag to hold your goodies.
  4. Be prepared. Got kids (or a husband?). A travel size laundry set can be a game changer when it comes to stains. I’ve linked my favorite below. Also, bring a swim bag if you plan to have wet bathing suits to bring home.
  5. Layer. I always bring an extra pair of jeans and a sweater or comfy cardigan. You never know when a place may get chilly at night or of the place you are staying has a draft. And if you are flying, always wear your heaviest shoes on the plan. (Gotta make the suitcase weight limit!)

Hope these simple tips help, and you can find more family fun here. A little prep before vacation can take away any stress while you are on your trip. I’ve linked all of the essentials for packing below. You can click on them to shop through the liketoknowit app.

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