Teen girls can be hard to buy gifts for. I have one with a list a mile long, and one that barely has anything on the list. If there is one thing I know how to do it’s how to shop for teen girls, and I’m sharing some teen girl gift ideas for the upcoming holidays. Click the pictures to purchase the products.

Gift Ideas

First up, beauty buys. This Sephora set is a great place to start. My girls, 15 and 17, love to try different makeup and hair products. Here’s a tip: stay away from face cleaning, masks etc, so that their sensitive skin doesn’t get irritated. A great make up bag is the perfect gift for teen girls as well. These towel wraps are a great gift for them to wear while getting ready in the mornings.

Clothes can be tricky for teens. Many girls are very into trendy clothes. Brands like Roller Rabbit, Free People and Lululemon are still a teen fav where we live. These are a few favorites, especially these slippers which are a hit with all of the girls! These movement shorts come in fun colors, and the fleece jacket does as well. My girls love to be comfy and cozy. This heated blanket is one they both love. Snuggling in with comfy pajamas and this blanket for a movie is one of their favorite things to do!

Now for a few teen girl gift ideas that are unique. Personalized is always a good idea, because they know thought was put into the gift. My girls even asked for these name huggies for their phone chargers, and I’m hoping this means less arguments. Monogram jewelry is timeless, and they will keep these items for years to come.

Who am I? A southern mom helping busy mom save time by sharing tips, tricks, recipes, finds and more. Follow me on Instagram for all kinds of inspo and gift guides for everyone in the family.